Warning: Sensitive content regarding life and death.
In 2021 I started posting on social media because I saw a need for content that was relatable to the human condition and the types of relationships we have and it all started with a new career.
When I first started my career in law enforcement I fully intended to stay until the ripe old age of 56 so I could retire with at 20 years and pull a pension. That's right, I didn't become a police officer until my mid-thirties. At the age of 33 I went back to school and got my bachelor's degree in criminal justice. I was labeled a non-traditional student by the university, and they accepted me with open arms but that's a story for another time. Side note: I went back to school again for my masters and graduated in 2020 from The University of Chicago in Threat and Response Management.
While I was with the police department, I had the opportunity to serve in many different capacities to include SWAT, Crime Scene, and Field Training. When...
How in the world is a dog going to help you heal your insecure attachment style?
My entire life I always wanted a dog but there was always a reason to not get one. We can't because your brother has asthma, we don't have the money, I don't want to deal with the chaos, I don't want to deal with the mess, who is going to take the dog out in when the Chicago winter sets in and its -12 degrees. As an adult I gave the reason of, my life is just too busy.
If you look for the reason why not to do something, you will always negotiate and talk yourself out of everything. How many times have you thought about going to the gym but decided not because you negotiated with yourself. I'll go tomorrow, I don't feel like it today, I'm not motivated, or I'm tired. Side note: I've never regretted getting a workout in. You always feel so much better having moved your body for a bit.
When I was 5 years old the neighbor's dog cornered me in the corner of our fence against the house and I cut my leg on t...
Every day you wake up, and very quickly, your mind is flooded with thoughts. For most of us, it is about our day; what's next, what do I have to do, where do I have to go? Then we hop on our phones to run through all of our apps like IG, Snapchat, Facebook, & before you know it, 30 minutes have gone by, you haven't started your day, you're procrastinating, and ultimately overwhelmed.
Then it is a race to get ready for work, get the lunches made, kids off to school, and the day feels rushed, and over time, this becomes the mundane as we work through an autopilot mind when I say the autopilot mind where have all been there. How did I get to work today? It becomes such a part of your week, month, and year that you don't need much bandwidth to get from point A to B.
So let's go back to when you wake up. After you scroll through all your apps, how do you feel? What thoughts are going through your head? If you're honest, it a lot of negativity. It is an argument that happened the othe...
So many of us spend our time in a state of anxiety from outside influences such as school, work, family, relationships, other obligations. It is essential to take a step back and spend some time in nature to allow yourself to hear and feel what is in your vortex or intuition.
At first, the concept of grounding or Earthing sounds totally out there, but as you start to do some digging and gain a better understanding of the process and why it works, it begins to make logical sense reasonably quickly. When you are grounding yourself, it means you are taking time in nature but with your shoes off. Our rubber-soled shoes are a barrier that keeps us from experiencing the benefits of being connected to the Earth's surface. The Earth is constantly emanating energy, and that energy is all around us. The idea is that we can tap into that energy by grounding ourselves in nature and making contact with our feet in the grass, dirt, mud, sand & water. Imagine a time you were at the beach taking in t...
Your emotions impact how you think, act, and feel, which then drives the decisions you make in your everyday life. Often, we find ourselves in a low emotional state due to our environment, the people around us, and our current thought patterns. Early on in life, your thought patterns were given to you by a parent, caregiver, family member, friend, or from a relationship.
These thought patterns are also learned from our parents and siblings. If you have an absent, distant, avoidant, or dismissive parent, you might be lonely in your world and developed coping mechanisms from the standpoint that it is better to quiet than to be heard. At a young age, you are told how you are supposed to be, and that expectation changes you from who you are, which is love, whole, and complete. The moment you learned that it is better to be seen and not heard, you began to live a life that proved that statement in all aspects of your life from family, friends, work, and education. You most likely becam...
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