The Power of Thought

Every day you wake up, and very quickly, your mind is flooded with thoughts.  For most of us, it is about our day; what's next, what do I have to do, where do I have to go? Then we hop on our phones to run through all of our apps like IG, Snapchat, Facebook, & before you know it, 30 minutes have gone by, you haven't started your day, you're procrastinating, and ultimately overwhelmed.

Then it is a race to get ready for work, get the lunches made, kids off to school, and the day feels rushed, and over time, this becomes the mundane as we work through an autopilot mind when I say the autopilot mind where have all been there. How did I get to work today? It becomes such a part of your week, month, and year that you don't need much bandwidth to get from point A to B. 

So let's go back to when you wake up.  After you scroll through all your apps, how do you feel? What thoughts are going through your head?  If you're honest, it a lot of negativity.  It is an argument that happened the othe...

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