
Your emotions impact how you think, act, and feel, which then drives the decisions you make in your everyday life. Often, we find ourselves in a low emotional state due to our environment, the people around us, and our current thought patterns.  Early on in life, your thought patterns were given to you by a parent, caregiver, family member, friend, or from a relationship.

These thought patterns are also learned from our parents and siblings.  If you have an absent, distant, avoidant, or dismissive parent, you might be lonely in your world and developed coping mechanisms from the standpoint that it is better to quiet than to be heard.  At a young age, you are told how you are supposed to be, and that expectation changes you from who you are, which is love, whole, and complete.  The moment you learned that it is better to be seen and not heard, you began to live a life that proved that statement in all aspects of your life from family, friends, work, and education. You most likely became a people pleaser to meet the expectations of your loved ones.  You found love doing things for others because it was expected of you to receive what you thought was love and what your caregiver thought was love.  The moment you accepted that belief that it is better to be seen and not heard, your life was forever altered.

Your trajectory was skewed, and you began to live your life for other people and seeking safety in their frame because yours was taken away and made unimportant.  Every thought, every decision, every moment was a manipulation for your caregiver to get what they wanted from you.  This statement sounds nefarious, but I assure you it is not.  This is life, and it is part of your ancestral past.  Once you figure out that your parents, grandparents, and so on had the same familial dynamic in their household, you begin to understand and see your caregiver as the child they once were.  They were scared, alone, and living in a fearful state most of their lives and living in an autopilot mind that was given to them by their immediate family. If you are reading/listening to this, it is not by mistake. You are on your path to spiritual awakening and rediscovering who you are. So many good things are already in your sphere of influence just waiting for you to unlock your power of self to be fully empowered to attain all that your heart and mind desire.  To find your path, you have to let go of the past, find forgiveness for you and your loved ones, and start your journey to becoming who you were always meant to be.

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Remember.....you got this! 


Jason Smith


50% Complete

Two Step

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